The big 10

Jenna Hulme 28th April 2021 This event has closed


After 5 years one of my best friends Sam Isaacson recently lost her fight with bowel and liver cancer. Her story is truly great and her legacy will be with us forever. 

In everything I did, Sam always used to say "what are you going to do with it, where are you going to go with it" 
So here I am, nearly a year of being a lycra, two wheeled w*nker (rightly titled by Sue (sam's mum) and there hasn't been a ride where i havent thought of Sam or the memories we have, so I best do something with it... 

Any money raised will go towards a new bathroom for Arthur rank hospice, Sam loved her baths but unfortunately the state of the art bathroom at the hospice is not fit for purpose and is currently being used to store PPE and was while Sam was there. 

Over the next few months i am aiming to complete 10 challenges (for the one and only number 10) some on the bike, some off - all something i have never done before -be that the route, event, location or distance. 

Now I don't expect sponsorship for just riding - i love it, however taking Sam with me on all these challenges I will be wearing some sort of Arsenal branded kit (for those that don't a huge united fan and I'm not overly fond of the idea) -

Before each event ill post a little more about the importance of the money and a few memories to share :) 

The big 10...
Staffordshire poppy ride - 35km - First ever organised cycling event (i only ever cycle alone because i snot everywhere) 

Derby Sportive - 80km 

Nottingham swim/run event - mainly to prepare me for the next silly event 

Saturday 4th June - Leeds Triathlon - i can just about swim, back myself on the bike and pray to the ankle gods for the run 

Nottingham swim / run 

Sunrise swim - 4:45am - 1km outdoor swim 

Secret number 6

Secret number 7

Secret number 8

Open to suggestions for 9 and 10... 
